In this post i will explain the palindome number program in python and also to expalin the same i also created a youtube video so you can check also complete step by step and also output in IDE.
Palindrome number program in Pythan
Palindrome No Program in Python-
num = int(input("enter a number: "))
temp = num
rev = 0while temp:
rev = (rev * 10) + (temp % 10)
temp = temp // 10if num == rev:
print("No is palindrome")
print("No is not palindrome")
Implement a function in JAVA of given array of integers, returns a new array for which every index carries the value of the product of the remaining elements.
Given array [2,3,1,4,5] it would return [60,40,120,30,24]
public class Main { List<Integer> arrInput1[]; static List<Integer> arrOutput1[]; static int n; public static void main(String[] ar) { System.out.println("Enter the array size"); Scanner a_dizsweb= new Scanner(; n=a_dizsweb.nextInt(); ArrayList<Integer> arrInput1=new ArrayList<Integer>(); ArrayList<Integer> arrOutput1=new ArrayList<Integer>(); System.out.println("Enter the array size "); for (int i=0;i<n;i++) { arrInput1.add(i, new Scanner(; } findSpecialProduct(arrInput1); } public static void findSpecialProduct(List<Integer> inputArray) { ArrayList<Integer> arrOutput1=new ArrayList<Integer>(); for(int k=0; k<n;k++) { int indexvalue1=1; int index=k; for (int i =0; i<n;i++) { if (index==i) { indexvalue1=indexvalue1*1; } else { indexvalue1=indexvalue1*inputArray.get(i); } } arrOutput1.add(indexvalue1); } /* for(Integer inta : arrOutput) { System.out.println(inta.get()); }*/ arrOutput1.forEach(System.out::println); } } Implement a function which, given an array of integers, returns a new array for which every index carries the vale of the product of the remaining elements.
Name of the client application(Software which runs on user end) that created the connection to an instance of SQL Server. This column is populated with the values passed by the application(Every application have a unique code) rather than the displayed name of the program.
ClientProcessID (Data Types- int) (Column Id- 9)
ID assigned by the host computer(Servefr) to the process (User application)where the client application is running. This data column(Value) is populated if the client process ID is provided by the client
CPU (Data Types- int) (Column Id- 18)
Amount of CPU time (in milliseconds) used by the user during their connection(End User)
DatabaseID (Data Types- int) (Column Id- 3)
ID of the database(A Special ID is assigned) specified by the USE database statement or the default database if no USE database statement has been issued for a given instance (Session). SQL Server Profiler displays the name of the database(Main Database of application) if the ServerName data column is captured in the trace and the server is available. Determine the value for a database by using the DB_ID function(Special function to identify).
Name of the database(Session database) in which the user statement is running.
Duration (Data Types- bigint) (Column Id- 13)
Amount of time since the user logged in() Time of session (approximately).
EndTime (Data Types- datetime) (Column Id- 15)
End time of the logout() When the session Close.
EventClass (Data Types- int) (Column Id- 27)
Type of event = 15 ( Their are 15 types of event like logging , logout, etc).
EventSequence (Data Types- int) (Column Id- 51)
The sequence of a given event within the request (this will show the details of event.
HostName (Data Types- nvarchar) (Column Id- 8)
Name of the computer on which the client is running (End User). This data column is populated if the host name is provided by the client( End User). To determine the host name, use the HOST_NAME function (Function to know the host name).
IsSystem(Data Types- int) (Column Id- 60)
Indicates whether the event occurred on a system process or a user process1 = system, 0 = user (This method will let to know is this an automatic or manual enent).
LoginName (Data Types- nvarchar) (Column Id- 11)
Name of the login of the user (either the SQL Server security login or the Microsoft Windows login credentials in the form of DOMAIN \ username).
LoginSid(Data Types- image) (Column Id- 41)
Security identification number (S I D) of the logged-in user. You can find this information in the sys.server_principals catalog view. Each S I D is unique for each login in the server.
NTDomainName(Data Types- nvarchar) (Column Id- 7)
Windows domain to which the user belongs.
NTUserName (Data Types- nvarchar) (Column Id- 6)
Windows user name
Reads (Data Types- int) (Column Id- 16)
Number of logical read I/Os issued by the user during the connection.
Login name of that user who originated the session. For example, if you connect to SQL Server using Login1 and execute a statement as Login2, SessionLoginName shows Login1 and LoginName shows Login2. This column displays both SQL Server and Windows logins.
SPID (Data Types- int) (Column Id- 12)
ID of the session on which the event occurred( Session unique ID).
StartTime(Data Types- datetime) (Column Id- 14)
Time at which the event started, if available.
Success (Data Types- int) (Column Id- 23)
1 = success. 0 = failure. For example, a value of 1 indicates success of that permission check and a value of 0 indicates failure of that check.
Writes(Data Types- bigint) (Column Id- 17)
Number of logical write Inputs/Outputs issued by the user during the connection.
GroupID(Data Types- int) (Column Id- 66)
ID of the work load group(Main session) where the SQL Trace event fires.
This Blog post have the complete Code for an Android Application which have database at cload and running on apache TOMCAT.
In this blog post you can get all information easily which is required to send a request from android application to server(cloud) and receive and extract the data in usable format.
This Code is used in School ERP Application for uploading The Image of Code
This Blog post have the complete Code for an Android Application about various activity opening from ia single screen
In this blog post you can get all information relatated activating new activity from previous activity with actual runnable code.
This code is part of Android application MVC Project of School ERP. If you are faminliar with java and also have some good hands on Anadroid then you can easilly understand the code and can use this code in your own project.
This is individual description list of program which is mentionmed in first page of JAVA, part of programming tutorial i will try to explanin more than 50 java * pattern program, Which are asked in interview and online exams and unveristy exam with diferrent logic for the same type of pattern
A palindromic number is a number that is the same when written forwards or backwards always be same, i.e., of the form . The first few palindromic numbersare therefore are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, 101, 111, 121.
class PalindromeExample {
publicstaticvoid main(String args[]) {
int r,sum=0,temp;
int n=555;//It is the number variable to be checked for palindrome
Note :- Where Condition is mandatory, if misses then all rows of table will be replaced with value. Demo Query:= UPDATE Student SET Student_Name = 'Sawan Chauhan', City= 'Delhi' WHERE Student_ID = 1;