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Sunday, February 16, 2020

Category and Sub Category Relationship Sql Server Many to Many

This post is related to maintain the important scenario of today object oriented programming. Category and Sub Category up to n times.

As I check lot of post related to maintaining the relationship. I found that most of then is using Standard Strategy for Many To Many but this not successful when  we are going to deep down up to 5 or more , Because two hold one many to many relation ship we need at least Three Tables.

Let us understand via a case first,

Table 1- Shopping Category.
 Case 1- Main Sopping Category(Electronics Good, Clothes, FMCG)
 Case  2- Now all the have Sub Categories.
 Case 3- These Sub Categories can have also Sub categories and up to n.

So maintain that kind of relationship will become complected in Many to Many relationship database design. Because every time we have to create a new table and relationship table.

So what is the solution. we used to find the solution after getting the Problem. I got the same problem in my office task. 

Task 1- Create a Store Procedure for insertion of Category and Sub Category with condition that a Parent category can not be inserted in child category at any level.

So for this task i choose two table architecture 
1- Category Details- Category Id and Category Name.
2- Relation Ship Table - Child Category and Parent Category ID.
Category Details table for many to many relationship

Now to Compete this Task I developed a Store Procedure.
For Insertion -

Complete Code for SP is Given below-

USE [DIZSWEB]GO/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].


Script Date: 2/16/2020 1:56:49 PM ******/

SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGO-- =============================================-- Author: <Sawan Chauhan>-- Create date:      <16, Feb, 2020>-- Description: <Category Relationship for many to Shopping websites>
-- =============================================

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Insertintorelation_category] @childId  INT, 
                                                    @parentId INT 
      DECLARE @nextparentId INT =0; 
      DECLARE @insertstatus INT =0; 
      DECLARE @duplicate INT =0; 
      DECLARE @test1 INT =0 
      DECLARE @test2 INT =0 

      SELECT @duplicate = Count(*) 
      FROM   [dbo].[relation_category] 
      WHERE  cat_id = @parentId 
             AND relation_id = @childId 

      --print @duplicate  
      SELECT @test1 = Count(cat_id) 
      FROM   category 
      WHERE  cat_id = @parentId 

      --print @test1  
      SELECT @test2 = Count(cat_id) 
      FROM   category 
      WHERE  cat_id = @childId 

      --print @test2  
      DECLARE @ccc INT=0; 

      IF @duplicate = 0 
         AND @test1 > 0 
         AND @test2 > 0 
            WHILE @insertstatus < 1 
                  SELECT @nextparentId = [relation_id] 
                  FROM   relation_category 
                  WHERE  [cat_id] = @childId 

                  SELECT @ccc = Count(*) 
                  FROM   relation_category 
                  WHERE  [cat_id] = @childId 

                  PRINT ( 'Test1' ) 

                  PRINT @nextparentId 

                  PRINT ( 'Test2' ) 

                  PRINT @ccc 

                  IF ( @nextparentId = @parentId ) 
                        IF ( @ccc = 0 ) 
                              SET @insertstatus=2 
                              SET @insertstatus=1 

                              PRINT ( 
                          'You are trying to insert the Parent into the Child' ) 
                  ELSE IF ( @nextparentId > 0 ) 
                        SET @parentId=@nextparentId 

            IF @insertstatus = 0 
                OR @insertstatus = 2 
                  INSERT INTO [dbo].[relation_category] 
                  VALUES     (@parentId, 
            PRINT( 'Wrong Data Passed' ) 

Task 2- I have to display the data of all category Id in Parent and Child Structure.
 As we have Parent Id, 1 All its sub branches should be show in row wise and Comma separated.

To complete this Task I also design a Store Procedure Which will evaluate this process Also .

USE [] 


/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[HiherchyDiagram]  
Script Date: 2/16/2020 1:58:17 PM ******/
SET ansi_nulls ON 


SET quoted_identifier ON 


-- ============================================= 
-- Author:     
-- Create date: <16, Feb 2020> 
-- Description:  Selection Of all Parent Child 
   Category according to Category Id 
--  exec [dbo].[HiherchyDiagram] '2' 
-- ============================================= 
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Hiherchydiagram] @id INT 
      DECLARE @P INT; 
      DECLARE @Parent INT=0; 
      DECLARE @child INT=0; 
      DECLARE @Mid INT; 
      DECLARE @curvar INT; 
      DECLARE @cursorrepeat INT=1; 
      DECLARE @cursorrepeat222 INT =1 
      DECLARE @parent1 NVARCHAR(100)='' 
      DECLARE @child1 NVARCHAR(100)='' 
      DECLARE @first_p INT =0; 

      CREATE TABLE #temp2 
           parent NVARCHAR(100), 
           child  NVARCHAR(100) 

      DECLARE cursor_id CURSOR FOR 
        SELECT DISTINCT a.relation_id 
        FROM   relation_category a 
        WHERE  a.cat_id = @id 

      OPEN cursor_id; 

      FETCH next FROM cursor_id INTO @curvar 

             OR @cursorrepeat222 = 1 
            SET @parent1='' 
            SET @child1='' 

            DECLARE @ccc INT=1; 
            DECLARE @id1 INT 
            DECLARE @id2 INT 

            SET @id1 =@id 
            SET @id2 =@curvar 

            WHILE( @ccc > 0 ) 
                  --  select @Parent=a.Relation_id from Relation_Category a where a.Cat_Id=@id1 
                  SELECT @Parent = a.cat_id 
                  FROM   relation_category a 
                  WHERE  a.relation_id = @id1 

                  --select @ccc=count(*) from Relation_Category a where a.Cat_Id=@id1 
                  SELECT @ccc = Count(*) 
                  FROM   relation_category a 
                  WHERE  a.relation_id = @id1 

                  IF( @ccc > 0 ) 
                        --print('Parent 1') 
                        SET @parent1 = Concat(@parent1, Concat(@Parent, ',')) 
                        SET @id1=@Parent 

                        --set @ccc=@ccc-1 
                        PRINT( @id1 ) 

                        PRINT( @ccc ) 

            SET @ccc =1; 

            DECLARE @INNER INT=1; 

            WHILE( @ccc > 0 ) 
                  IF( @INNER = 1 ) 
                        SET @child1 = Concat(@child1, Concat(@id2, ',')) 
                        SET @INNER=0 

                  SELECT @Parent = a.relation_id 
                  FROM   relation_category a 
                  WHERE  a.cat_id = @id2 

                  PRINT( 'test' ) 

                  SELECT @ccc = Count(*) 
                  FROM   relation_category a 
                  WHERE  a.cat_id = @id2 

                  IF( @ccc > 0 
                      AND @Parent <> @id2 ) 
                        SET @child1 = Concat(@child1, Concat(@Parent, ',')) 
                        SET @id2=@Parent 

                        PRINT( 'Test1 ' ) 

                        PRINT( @id2 ) 

                        PRINT( @ccc ) 
                        SET @ccc=0 

            SET @cursorrepeat = @cursorrepeat + 1 
            SET @parent1= Substring(@parent1, 0, Len(@parent1)) 
            SET @child1= Substring(@child1, 0, Len(@child1)) 

            -- insert into #temp2 values(@child1,@parent1) 
            INSERT INTO #temp2 
            VALUES     (@parent1, 

            SET @cursorrepeat222=@cursorrepeat222 - 1 

            FETCH next FROM cursor_id INTO @curvar 

            PRINT( '@curvar Bottom' ) 

            PRINT( @curvar ) 

      CLOSE cursor_id; 

      DEALLOCATE cursor_id; 

      SELECT * 
      FROM   #temp2 

This Code only applicable for 9 id no if anyone like to use this code in his project or program for more than 9 ID he need to make some changes for getting the values according to comma separation.

Category Relation Ship Script of Table Creation is - 

USE []

/****** Object:  Table [dbo].[Relation_Category]    
Script Date: 2/16/2020 2:36:20 PM ******/


CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Relation_Category](
[Cat_Id] [int] NULL,
[Relation_id] [int] NULL

Category Holding table Scipt-


/****** Object:  Table [dbo].[Category]    
Script Date: 2/16/2020 2:37:16 PM ******/


CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Category](
[Cat_id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Name] [varchar](50) NULL,
[Cat_Ref_Id] [int] NULL,
[Cat_id] ASC

Other Sql Server  - Queries-SQL Queries

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Data Science - Pandas- Series and Dataframe

Thsi Post have the complete syntax and code wise details of Pandas two Major concept Series and Data Frame.

Now Lets Start-

Thsi Post have the complete syntax and code wise details of Pandas two Major concept Series and Data Frame.
Now Lets Start-
# Pandas Series
#Series is a one-dimensional labeled array capable of
#holding data of any type (integer, string, float, python objects, etc.).
# The axis labels are collectively called index
In [1]:
1 import pandas as pd
2 import numpy as np
In [2]:
# A pandas Series can be created using the following constructor −
# pandas.Series( data, index, dtype, copy)
3 df = pd.Series()
4 df
Series([], dtype: float64)
In [3]:
# A series can be created using various inputs like −
# Array
# Dict
# Scalar value or constant
In [4]:
# Create a Series from ndarray
    data = np.array(['D','I','Z','S','W','E','B'])
    s = pd.Series(data)
0 D 1 I 2 Z 3 S 4 W 5 E 6 B dtype: object
In [6]:
# Create a Series from ndarray
    data = np.array(['D','I','Z','S','W','E','B'])
    s = pd.Series(data, index =['001','002','003','004','005','006','007'])
    001 D 002 I 003 Z 004 S 005 W 006 E 007 B dtype: object
In [7]:
# Create a Series from dict
    data = {'D':1,'I':2,'Z':3,'S':4,'W':5.0,'E':6,'B':7.0}
    s = pd.Series(data)
D 1.0 I 2.0 Z 3.0 S 4.0 W 5.0 E 6.0 B 7.0 dtype: float64
In [8]:
# Create a Series from dict
    data = {'D':1,'I':2,'Z':3,'S':4,'W':5.0,'E':6,'B':7.0}
    s = pd.Series(data, index =['001','002','003','004','005','006','007'])
# output will be NaN becuase in case of dictionary
# if the values not match with index it gices NaN
001 NaN 002 NaN 003 NaN 004 NaN 005 NaN 006 NaN 007 NaN dtype: float64
In [9]:
# Create a Series from dict
    data = {'D':1,'I':2,'Z':3,'S':4,'W':5.0,'E':6,'B':7.0}
    s = pd.Series(data, index =['D','002','Z','004','W','006','B'])
    D 1.0 002 NaN Z 3.0 004 NaN W 5.0 006 NaN B 7.0 dtype: float64
In [12]:
# Create a Series from Scalar
    s = pd.Series(3, index = ['1','2','3','4','5','6'])
1 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 5 3 6 3 dtype: int64
In [13]:
# Create a Series from Scalar without index
    s = pd.Series(3)
0 3 dtype: int64
In [14]:
# Accessing Data from Series with Position
    s = pd.Series([1,2,3,4,5,6,7],index = ['D','I','Z','S','W','E','B'])
#retrieve the first three element
    print s[:3]
File "<ipython-input-14-fbdfbded2fb7>", line 2 s = pd.Series([1,2,3,4,5,,6,7],index = ['D','I','Z','S','W','E','B']) ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax
In [16]:
# Accessing Data from Series with Position
    s = pd.Series([1,2,3,4,5,6,7],index = ['D','I','Z','S','W','E','B'])
# Retrieve the first three element
    D 1 I 2 Z 3 dtype: int64
In [17]:
# Retrieve the last three elements.
    W 5 E 6 B 7 dtype: int64
In [18]:
# Retrieve Data Using Label (Index)
In [19]:
# Retrieve multiple elements using a list of index label values.
    D 1 Z 3 S 4 W 5 dtype: int64
In [20]:
# If a label is not contained, an exception is raised.
    D 1.0 Z 3.0 S 4.0 W 5.0 Chauhan NaN dtype: float64
    c:\users\hp\appdata\local\programs\python\python37-32\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\ FutureWarning: Passing list-likes to .loc or [] with any missing label will raise KeyError in the future, you can use .reindex() as an alternative. See the documentation here: return self.loc[key]
In [ ]:
# DataFrame
# Defination-A Data frame is a two-dimensional data structure,
# i.e., data is aligned in a tabular fashion in rows and columns ​
# Features of DataFrame
# Potentially columns are of different types
# Size – Mutable
# Labeled axes (rows and columns)
# Can Perform Arithmetic operations on rows and columns ​
# A pandas DataFrame can be created using the following constructor −
# pandas.DataFrame( data, index, columns, dtype, copy)

In [21]:
# How to create the Pandas DataFrame?
In [22]:
# Their are following methods to create the Pandas DataFrame.
# Lists
# dict
# Series
# Numpy ndarrays
# Another DataFrame
# Now lets us start the learning this with

In [23]:
    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np​

# define the dataframe object
 ​    df = pd.DataFrame()​
# lets print this
In [24]:
Empty DataFrame Columns: [] Index: []
In [27]:
1 import pandas as pd
2 import numpy as np
3 ​
4 # define the dataframe object
5 data = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
6 df = pd.DataFrame(data)
7 ​
8 # lets print this
9 print(df)
0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7
In [28]:
1 df
0 1
1 2
2 3
3 4
4 5
5 6
6 7
In [29]:
1 import pandas as pd
2 import numpy as np
3 ​
4 # define the dataframe object
5 data = [['Sawan',26],['Sandeep',25],['Shiv',24]]
6 df = pd.DataFrame(data,columns=['Name','Age'])
7 ​
8 # lets print this
9 print(df)
Name Age 0 Sawan 26 1 Sandeep 25 2 Shiv 24
In [31]:
1 import pandas as pd
2 import numpy as np
3 ​
4 # define the dataframe object
5 data = [['Sawan',26],['Sandeep',25],['Shiv',24]]
6 df = pd.DataFrame(data,columns=['Name','Age'], dtype=int)
7 ​
8 # lets print this
9 print(df)
Name Age 0 Sawan 26 1 Sandeep 25 2 Shiv 24
In [36]:
1 # Create a DataFrame from Dict of ndarrays / Lists
2 import pandas as pd
3 import numpy as np
4 ​
5 # define the dataframe object
6 data = {'Name':['Dizsweb','Sawan','Chauhan'] ,'Age' :[ 123, 26, 35]}
7 df = pd.DataFrame(data)
8 ​
9 # lets print this
10 print(df)
Name Age 0 Dizsweb 123 1 Sawan 26 2 Chauhan 35
In [37]:
1 # Create a DataFrame from Dict of ndarrays / Lists
2 import pandas as pd
3 import numpy as np
4 ​
5 # define the dataframe object
6 data = {'Name':['Dizsweb','Sawan','Chauhan'] ,'Age' :[ 123, 26, 35]}
7 df = pd.DataFrame(data, index =['R1','R2','R3'])
8 ​
9 # lets print this
10 print(df)
Name Age R1 Dizsweb 123 R2 Sawan 26 R3 Chauhan 35
In [39]:
1 # Create a DataFrame from List of Dicts
2 import pandas as pd
3 import numpy as np
4 data = [{'a':3,'b':4,'c':8},{'a':5,'d':6,'f':9},{'b':3,'c':8,'d':9}]
5 df = pd.DataFrame(data)
6 print(df)
a b c d f 0 3.0 4.0 8.0 NaN NaN 1 5.0 NaN NaN 6.0 9.0 2 NaN 3.0 8.0 9.0 NaN
In [44]:
1 # Creation of two Dataframe from the same data
2 import pandas as pd
3 data = [{'a': 1, 'b': 2},{'a': 5, 'b': 10, 'c': 20}]
4 ​
5 #With two column indices, values same as dictionary keys
6 df1 = pd.DataFrame(data, index=['first', 'second'], columns=['a', 'b'])
7 ​
8 #With two column indices with one index with other name
9 df2 = pd.DataFrame(data, index=['first', 'second'], columns=['a', 'b1'])
10 print(df1)
11 ​
12 print(df2)
a b first 1 2 second 5 10 a b1 first 1 NaN second 5 NaN
In [47]:
1 # Create a DataFrame from Dict of Series
2 d = {'one' : pd.Series([1, 2, 3], index=['a', 'b', 'c']),
3 'two' : pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4], index=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])}
4 ​
5 df = pd.DataFrame(d)
6 print(df)
7 ​
one two a 1.0 1 b 2.0 2 c 3.0 3 d NaN 4
In [48]:
1 # perticular column Selection
2 print(df['one'])
a 1.0 b 2.0 c 3.0 d NaN Name: one, dtype: float64
In [50]:
1 # Column Addition
2 import pandas as pd
3 ​
4 d = {'one' : pd.Series([1, 2, 3], index=['a', 'b', 'c']),
5 'two' : pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4], index=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])}
6 ​
7 df = pd.DataFrame(d)
8 ​
9 # Adding a new column to an existing DataFrame object with column label by passing new series
10 ​
11 print ("Adding a new column by passing as Series:")
12 df['three']=pd.Series([10,20,30],index=['a','b','c'])
13 print(df)
14 ​
15 print("Adding a new column using the existing columns in DataFrame:")
16 df['four']=df['one']+df['three']
17 ​
18 print(df)
Adding a new column by passing as Series: one two three a 1.0 1 10.0 b 2.0 2 20.0 c 3.0 3 30.0 d NaN 4 NaN Adding a new column using the existing columns in DataFrame: one two three four a 1.0 1 10.0 11.0 b 2.0 2 20.0 22.0 c 3.0 3 30.0 33.0 d NaN 4 NaN NaN
In [51]:
1 # Column Deletion
2 # Using the previous DataFrame, we will delete a column
3 # using del function
4 import pandas as pd
5 ​
6 d = {'one' : pd.Series([1, 2, 3], index=['a', 'b', 'c']),
7 'two' : pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4], index=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']),
8 'three' : pd.Series([10,20,30], index=['a','b','c'])}
9 ​
10 df = pd.DataFrame(d)
11 print("Our dataframe is:")
12 print(df)
13 ​
14 # using del function
15 print("Deleting the first column using DEL function:")
16 del(df['one'])
17 print(df)
18 ​
19 # using pop function
20 print("Deleting another column using POP function:")
21 df.pop('two')
22 print(df)
Our dataframe is: one two three a 1.0 1 10.0 b 2.0 2 20.0 c 3.0 3 30.0 d NaN 4 NaN Deleting the first column using DEL function: two three a 1 10.0 b 2 20.0 c 3 30.0 d 4 NaN Deleting another column using POP function: three a 10.0 b 20.0 c 30.0 d NaN
In [55]:
1 # Row Selection, Addition, and Deletion with loc()
2 d = {'one' : pd.Series([1, 2, 3], index=['a', 'b', 'c']),
3 'two' : pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4], index=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])}
4 ​
5 df = pd.DataFrame(d, dtype=int)
6 print(df.loc['b'])
one 2.0 two 2.0 Name: b, dtype: float64
In [57]:
1 # Row Selection, Addition, and Deletion with iloc()
2 d = {'one' : pd.Series([1, 2, 3], index=['a', 'b', 'c']),
3 'two' : pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4], index=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])}
4 ​
5 df = pd.DataFrame(d, dtype=int)
6 print(df.iloc[2])
one 3.0 two 3.0 Name: c, dtype: float64
In [58]:
1 # Slice Rows
2 import pandas as pd
3 ​
4 d = {'one' : pd.Series([1, 2, 3], index=['a', 'b', 'c']),
5 'two' : pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4], index=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])}
6 ​
7 df = pd.DataFrame(d)
8 print(df[2:4])
one two c 3.0 3 d NaN 4
In [63]:
1 # Addition of Rows using append funtion
2 ​
3 import pandas as pd
4 ​
5 df = pd.DataFrame([[1, 2], [3, 4]], columns = ['a','b'])
6 df2 = pd.DataFrame([[5, 6], [7, 8]], columns = ['a','b'])
7 ​
8 df = df.append(df2)
9 print(df)
a b 0 1 2 1 3 4 0 5 6 1 7 8
In [64]:
1 # Deletion of Rows
2 ​
3 import pandas as pd
4 ​
5 df = pd.DataFrame([[1, 2], [3, 4]], columns = ['a','b'])
6 df2 = pd.DataFrame([[5, 6], [7, 8]], columns = ['a','b'])
7 ​
8 df = df.append(df2)
9 ​
10 # Drop rows with label 0
11 df = df.drop(0)
12 ​
13 print(df)
a b 1 3 4 1 7 8
In [65]:
1 # Python Pandas - Panel
2 # A panel is a 3D container of data.
3 # The term Panel data is derived from econometrics and
4 # is partially responsible for the name pandas − pan(el)-da(ta)-s.
5 ​
6 # The names for the 3 axes are intended to give
7 # some semantic meaning to describing operations
8 # involving panel data. They are −
9 ​
10 # items − axis 0, each item corresponds to a DataFrame contained inside.
11 # major_axis − axis 1, it is the index (rows) of each
of the DataFrames.
#     minor_axis − axis 2, it is the columns of each of the DataFrames.

# pandas.Panel()
# A Panel can be created using the following constructor −
# pandas.Panel(data, items, major_axis, minor_axis, dtype, copy)
# This class is removed from pandas now
