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This post have all the query and synatx which a biggner and experianced SQL users need to know and use in their daily working Life.
Type of SQL Insert
Syntax 1 :-Template for all columns update --
insert into Table_name value('ABC','ART','',.....,'Value n')
-- Note data type of each column should be match
Initial Table - Table Name- User_Detail
Example 2- Insert into User_Detail (User_name,User_Mobile,User_email_id,Pin_code)
Values('Programming Logic World',1234512345,'',123456);
-- Note data type of each column should be match
Syntax 2:- Template for slelect columns update --
insert into Table_name(col_1,col_2,,,,,,,, col_n) value('ABC','ART','',.....,'Value n')Syntax 3:- If all rows have to be fill up
insert Into Parameter_Blood_Group values('B0100A000004','GEN00A000001','AB-','AB-','0','2','Approved','','2019-05-04 17:27:58.913')Syntax 4:- If select rows have to be fill up
insert Into Parameter_Blood_Group(URN_No,Co_code) values('B0100A000004','GEN00A000001')Syntax 5:-Without index column is exists in Table
Example 1- Insert into 'table_name' (Col_1,Col_2,......,Col_n)Values(Value_1,Value_2,.....,Value_n);
Initial Table - Table Name- User_Detail
Example 2- Insert into User_Detail (User_name,User_Mobile,User_email_id,Pin_code)
Values('Programming Logic World',1234512345,'',123456);
See Also - SQL Query without Index
SQL LIKE Operator
Sql Query to select similar kind of data which have perticular pattern comman in their specipic data column
Basic Format
SELECT col1, col2, ...,columnNFROM table_nameWHERE columnN LIKE pattern;
SELECT * FROM StudentWHERE StudentName LIKE 'a%';
Note:- Like Operator Consume Maximum Resources
SELECT col1, col2, ...,columnN
Note:- Like Operator Consume Maximum Resources
SQL Like Opertaor
Like Operator Usage
Search Type 1:-
All Students with a column name 'StudentName' that start with "s" in the Second position:SELECT * FROM Students
WHERE Student_Name LIKE '_s%';
Search Type 2:-
All Students with a column name 'StudentName' that have "s" in the Third position:SELECT * FROM Students
WHERE Student_Name LIKE '__s%';
Search Type 3:-
All Students with a column name 'StudentName' that have "s" in the Fourth position:SELECT * FROM Students
WHERE Student_Name LIKE '___s%';
Search Type 4:-
All Students with a column name 'StudentName' that start with "s"SELECT * FROM Students
WHERE Student_Name LIKE 's%';
Search Type 5:-
All Students with a column name 'StudentName' that start with "sa"SELECT * FROM Students
WHERE Student_Name LIKE 'sa%';
Search Type 6:-
All Students with a column name 'StudentName' that start with "saw"SELECT * FROM Students
WHERE Student_Name LIKE 'saw%';
Search Type 7:-
All Students with a column name 'StudentName' that end with "s"SELECT * FROM Students
WHERE Student_Name LIKE '%s';
Search Type 8:-
All Students with a column name 'StudentName' that end with "sa"SELECT * FROM Students
WHERE Student_Name LIKE '%sa';
Search Type 9:-
All Students with a column name 'StudentName' that end with "saw"SELECT * FROM Students
WHERE Student_Name LIKE '%saw';
SQL Distinct Opeartor
SELECT DISTINCT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name;
Select Distinct it_name,it_code from Item_MasterNote- we use Distinct keyword to find unique data of columns.
SELECT DISTINCT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name;
DEmo Table Data Rows- 10000
Select Distinct it_name from Item_Master
Result- 10
Note- we use Distinct keyword to find unique data of column.
Select Distinct it_name,it_code from Item_Master
Result- 159
Note- we use Distinct keyword to find unique data of two columns.
Select Distinct it_name,it_code,uom from Item_Master
Note- we use Distinct keyword to find unique data of three Columns.
Select Distinct it_name,* from Item_Master
Result- 5000
Note- we use Distinct keyword to find unique data of column.
Select Distinct it_name,it_code,* from Item_Master
Result- 5000
Note- we use Distinct keyword to find unique data of two columns.
Select Distinct it_name,it_code,uom,* from Item_Master
Result- 5000
Note- we use Distinct keyword to find unique data of three Columns.
As all programming language have operator for conditions in the same way SQL have following operator
1- AND
2- OR
3- NOT
1- AND
Operator is used when we want both the conditions must be true.
Syntax- Select * from table_name
where condition1 and condition2 and condition3
2- OR
Operator is used when we want only single the conditions must be true.
Syntax- Select * from table_name
where condition1 or condition2 or condition3
3- NOT
Operator is used when we want conditions must not be true.
Syntax- Select * from table_name
where Not condition1
SQL Joins is used to Compose the data of two table into a single view-
SQL Joins are Five Types-
1- Inner Joins
2- Left Outer Joins
3- Right outer Joins
4- Full Joins
5- Self Joins
Inner Joins syntax
INNER join table B on A.ID=B.ID
Result- Only the common data from both table which have ID in both table
Left Joins syntax
LEFT outer join table B on A.ID=B.ID
Result- All data from table A and matched data from table B where id of a Exists in B
Rights Joins Syntax
RIGHT outer join table B on A.ID=B.ID
Result- All data from table B and matched data from table A where id of a Exists in A
Full joins Joins Syntax
FULL OUTER join table B on A.ID=B.ID
Result- All data from table A and B and All A data whose ID not in B and A data whose ID not in B and Common of A& B no duplicate ID
Self JoinsSyntax
left outer join Sawanchauhan B
where A.PermanentCity=B.CurrentCity
Result- All data from table (SawanChauhan) where permanenet city and current city are same only.
Where Clause Uses
Sql where keyword is used to filter the records
Syntax- Select Col1,Col2,Col3 from table_name where condition;
select item_name,Item_code,Item_uom from item_master where created_By_Id=12
More Questions -
1. Why Truncate is a example of DDL statement?
2. Difference between cluster index and non-cluster index ?
3. Difference between CTE and Temp. table?
4. Difference between Rank and dense rank.
5. explain type of cursor ?
6. Query to find duplicate rows in table?
7. What are the differences between Stored Procedure and the dynamic SQL?
8. What is Collation?
9. What are Magic Tables in SQL Server?
10. What is the difference between varchar and nvarchar types?
11. What are the differences between left join and outer left join ?
12. explain types of user defined functions?
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